Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Help Me, I'm Melting!

Yesterday I had a meltdown. You know, one of those episodes where some small irritation builds upon another and/or another and suddenly you find yourself simultaneously crying, screaming expletives, and battering whatever inanimate object is nearby. But was that the end of it? Oh no. I then stomped around for a while acting like a total witch, trying to calm myself down and in the process making sure that my poor husband knew just how miserable I was. Because we all know that a good meltdown requires some poor sympathetic soul to help pick up the pieces afterward. It wasn’t pretty. I wasn’t pretty. And it was certainly not mermaid-worthy behavior. 

Thankfully my tantrum was relatively short-lived, I didn’t break anything, and my marriage is still intact. By the time I poured a medicinal glass of wine I was almost, but not quite, feeling rather foolish. And this morning I have recovered enough to admit the error of my ways.

So, I now have another addition to my list of reasons to be a mermaid. Mermaids don’t melt. Instead of becoming a puddled mess they simply swim through the beautiful seas of life. A mermaid isn’t stressed or cranky, and even if she lives among crabs, she is never crabby herself. She certainly never resembles the Wicked Witch of the West.

Having not yet achieved full mermaid status, I know a promise to never melt again is a promise broken. Someone or some thing will invariably dash water on my day and wreck my normally sunny disposition. But, I'm really going to try to be more channeling of my inner mermaid. I am however, a work in process.

Enjoy this short video clip from The Wizard of Oz - a true meltdown.

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