Friday, October 20, 2017

Just Call Me Mimi ♥

What’s a sea-
lovin’ mermaid in Florida to do when her adorable twin grandbabies are landlubbers in Indiana? Go visit as often as possible, of course! So last week I exchanged my tail for tennis shoes, my sailboat for an airplane, and headed north. It was a glorious time visiting our youngest son and his fiancé, and our oldest and his wife. But as much as I love them all, there’s just something about those grandbabies that melts my heart in a whole different way. Friends who preceded me in the grandparent journey warned me it would be so. What is the saying? “If I’d known how much fun grandchildren are I would have had them first!” LOL.

And my son as a parent? Wow! I am completely amazed that the kid who drove too fast, sometimes drank too much, and often lived on chips and pizza, is now completely consumed by car seat safety, mixing formula, and the virtues of organic baby food. He is such a wonderful father and he and his wife make an awesome parenting team. I can think of nothing that makes me prouder than watching my son take such amazing care of his own son – and daughter. And of course, as the babies grow  into toddlers and teenagers paybacks will be hell – haha. I must admit that I look forward to that with glee.

It’s a strange oxymoron - the babies are growing way too fast; yet, I am so excited to watch them grow up. I pray that God sees fit to keep me around for that journey.

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