Thursday, October 11, 2018


Do you ever feel lost? Not necessarily as dramatic as the children of Israel wandering in the desert or Dorothy telling Toto “…we’re not in Kansas anymore”, but just realizing that you’re in an unfamiliar place in your life and you’re not sure how to navigate it? Searching for directions or an instruction manual, or even a North Star to guide your way? Well, life has lately thrown me a circumstance in which I am definitely swimming in unfamiliar waters. A place where I am unsure whether the right turn I made shouldn’t have actually been my other right, or that the current I’m swimming in isn’t really just taking me around in circles. And even though I know that full-fledged mermaids are excellent swimmers, this mermaid wanna-be is frequently feeling the need to pray that God throws me a life jacket.

Navigation has never been my strong suit – when I lived on land I often admitted that I could get lost just backing out of my own driveway. And unlike some (we all know at least one), I have no pride lost in asking for directions. But sometimes there are no clear directions to be sought - everyone else’s compass seems as out-of-whack as mine, they all disagree on whether to swim upstream or down, or honestly, they just have no experience making this particular journey.

So, for now, I take it one day at a time and pray that the destination I hope for will be reached in calm seas, with as few storms as possible.

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